Komplit - Teladan Soal Uts Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 Sd/Mi 2018/2019
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Hallo sobat bospedia.com, Kesempatan kali ini admin bospedia ingin share soal Bahasa Inggris. Soal Bahasa Inggris ini dikhususkan untuk kelas 1 SD/MI. Kemaren admin sudah menciptakan soal UKK nah kini admin menciptakan soal UTS. Dalam soal UTS ini admin bagikan menjadi 2 bagian, setiap bab mempunyai beberapa soal.
Nah Bagi para adik adik yang ingin mencari refrensi ihwal soal Bahasa Inggris. Disini boleh adek adek nikmati. Jangan lupa pantau terus artikel bospedia.com Insya Allah akan update setiap harinya. Dengan Soal Bahasa Inggris ini diperlukan dapat membatu para guru dalam mencari refrensi. Semoga Bermanfaat.
Berikut ini Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD/MI 2018/2019 dapat di unduh dengan GRATIS di bawah ini :
Bidang Studi : Bahasa Inggris
Nama :
Kelas : 1 (satu)
A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b, or c !
1. A : Good morning !
B : .... !
a. Good morning
b. Good night
c. Good morning
2. Selamat sore in English is ...
a. Good night
b. Good evening
c. Good afternoon
3. Fania : good night, Gery!
Gery : ..., fania !
a. Good morning
b. Good night
c. Good evening
4. GO_D BY_
a. O, A
b. O,E
c. O,I
5. Ken : ... Rose !
Rose : Good afternoon, ken!
a. Good afternoon
b. Good morning
c. Good evening
6. "Good afternoon" in Indonesia is ...
a. Selamat malam
b. Selamat tinggal
c. Selamat siang
7. In the morning you said ...
a. Good bye
b. Good morning
c. Good evening
8. Tom : How are you ?
Jery : ...., thanks !
a. Good afrernoon
b. Good night
c. I am fine
9. (Penghapus) What is it ?
a. It is a pencil
b. It is a pen
c. It is an eraser
10. (Buku) What is it ?
a. It is a book
b. It is a bag
c. It is a pen
11. BLA_K B_AR_
a. C, A, D
b. D, C, A
c. C, O, D
12. Chalk in indonesia is ...
a. Kursi
b. Penggaris
c. Kapur tulis
13. Meja in English is ...
a. Table
b. Chair
c. Map
14. (Tempat pensil)
A : is it a pencil case ?
B : ...
a. No, it is
b. Yes, it is
c. Yes, it is not
15. (Kerayon) What is this?
a. This is a picture
b. This is a vase
c. Thia ia crayon
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct word !
1. A : .... !
B : Good bye !
2. Good morning in indonesia is ...
3. In the afternoon you said ...
4. Bagaimana kabarmu in English is ...
5. What is your name ? ...
6. (Pensil) it is a ...
7. C _ A _ R
Fil in the blanks ...
8. (Tas)
A : is it a pen ?
B : ....
9. (Penggaris, penghapus)
The ... and ... in the pencil case.
10. Pen • • papan tulis
Crayon • • kerayon
blackboard • • bolpoin
Good luck
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Berikut ini Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 SD/MI 2018/2019 dapat di unduh dengan GRATIS di bawah ini :
Bidang Studi : Bahasa Inggris
Nama :
A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b, or c !
1. A : Good morning !
B : .... !
a. Good morning
b. Good night
c. Good morning
2. Selamat sore in English is ...
a. Good night
b. Good evening
c. Good afternoon
3. Fania : good night, Gery!
Gery : ..., fania !
a. Good morning
b. Good night
c. Good evening
4. GO_D BY_
a. O, A
b. O,E
c. O,I
5. Ken : ... Rose !
Rose : Good afternoon, ken!
a. Good afternoon
b. Good morning
c. Good evening
6. "Good afternoon" in Indonesia is ...
a. Selamat malam
b. Selamat tinggal
c. Selamat siang
7. In the morning you said ...
a. Good bye
b. Good morning
c. Good evening
8. Tom : How are you ?
Jery : ...., thanks !
a. Good afrernoon
b. Good night
c. I am fine
9. (Penghapus) What is it ?
a. It is a pencil
b. It is a pen
c. It is an eraser
10. (Buku) What is it ?
a. It is a book
b. It is a bag
c. It is a pen
11. BLA_K B_AR_
a. C, A, D
b. D, C, A
c. C, O, D
12. Chalk in indonesia is ...
a. Kursi
b. Penggaris
c. Kapur tulis
13. Meja in English is ...
a. Table
b. Chair
c. Map
14. (Tempat pensil)
A : is it a pencil case ?
B : ...
a. No, it is
b. Yes, it is
c. Yes, it is not
15. (Kerayon) What is this?
a. This is a picture
b. This is a vase
c. Thia ia crayon
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct word !
1. A : .... !
B : Good bye !
2. Good morning in indonesia is ...
3. In the afternoon you said ...
4. Bagaimana kabarmu in English is ...
5. What is your name ? ...
6. (Pensil) it is a ...
7. C _ A _ R
Fil in the blanks ...
8. (Tas)
A : is it a pen ?
B : ....
9. (Penggaris, penghapus)
The ... and ... in the pencil case.
10. Pen • • papan tulis
Crayon • • kerayon
blackboard • • bolpoin
Good luck
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