Lengkap Rujukan Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Sd Kelas 6 Semester 1
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Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6 Semester 1. Gak terasa sudah masuk bulan Desember ya... Itu artinya adik-adik sebentar lagi akan menghadapi Ulangan Akhir Semester 1. Untuk membantu berguru kalian, berikut adalah Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 6 Semester 1, dipelajari ya.
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) A B, C, or DRelated
a. playball
b. readbook
c. eat pizza
d. drink water
a. We can run and read
b. We can swim and play sand
c. We canplayballand climb tree
d. Readsomenewspapers.
3. Marry: What do we need to make soup?
Silva : We need vegetables.
Marry: Whatvegetablesdoweneed?
Silva : I need ....
a. manggoandcarrot
b. cornandchili
c. carrotandcauliflower
d. orange and cauliflower
4. Rahmat : What do we need to play Badminton?
Tono : I need ....
a. ballandracket
b. net andball
c. racketandswimsuit
d. racketandshuttlecock
5. Hanif : What do you like to drink for breakfast ?
Nara : I like .... Itishealthy.
a. orangejuice
b. coffee
c. softdrink
d. milk
6. Rahman: Whatvegetablesdoyoulike?
Toni : I like ... very much
a. papaya
b. pineapple
c. spinach
d. popcorn
7. A: Does your brother like coffee?
B: ....
a. Yes, she does
b. No, he does not
c. No, we do not
d. Yes, I do
8. Rina ... avocado juice
a. likes
b. liking
c. like
d. let’sgo
9. mother – likes – my – very much – soup
the right order is ....
a. likessoupverymuchMy mother
c. mymothersouplikesmuch very
b. mymotherlikessoupvery much
d. soupverymuch my mother likes
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Sekian supaya bermanfaat. Wassalamu'alaikum.
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